
Rebirth of Reason

Articles: Graybosch, Matthew

November 1, 2005
War for Men's Minds
Fighting the Crab Bucket Mentality
by Matthew Graybosch
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If the United States is plagued by the Crab Bucket Mentality, you can be damned sure that syndicated advice columnists are doing nothing to help. You can be just as sure that I am going to call them to account for their irresponsible advice. (Read more...)
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July 2, 2004
Marriage Needs No Defense
by Matthew Graybosch
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Marriage needs no defense. It is not a bond that can be created by a priest's incantations or a judge's decree, and it is not a bond that can be denied or broken by the church or the state. A marriage is made by two people who value each other as highly as themselves, and only they can end the marriage. (Read more...)
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March 31, 2004
War for Men's Minds
In the Hands of Strangers
by Matthew Graybosch
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If you think that your life, liberty, and property are safe under the republican systems that are touted as "democracy", think again. Everything you value can be voted away by your friends, your neighbors, and total strangers. They'll do so with what they think are noble intentions, because they don't know that their actions are harming you. (Read more...)
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August 12, 2003
The Good Life
True Love is Expressed
by Matthew Graybosch
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"It is an infantile superstition of the human spirit that virginity would be thought a virtue and not the barrier that separates ignorance from knowledge."
-- Voltaire (Read more...)

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July 30, 2003
The Good Life
I Know What I Need
by Matthew Graybosch
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People lie to me all the time. Advertisers tell me that all I have to do to be sexually attractive is to drink the right brand of beer or wear the right brand of clothes. Religious people tell me that I have to accept their brand of mysticism in order to be happy. Politicians tell me that if I hand over just a little more of my freedom then they will make all the world's problems just disappear. (Read more...)
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February 20, 2003
Not in my Contract
by Matthew Graybosch
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When I first accepted a position with my current employer, he clearly outlined his expectations of me and the responsibilities I would have to shoulder as a programmer in his employ. (Read more...)
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January 14, 2003
Mortal Glory
by Matthew Graybosch
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A poem. (Read more...)
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December 23, 2002
Kingslayer Worm has Governments, Religious Leaders in Uproar
by Matthew Graybosch
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The hacker known as STORMRIDER, allegedly responsible for the repeated destruction of files owned by the New York City Department of Homeless Services and theft of its operating budget, appears to be seeking a wider stage according to frustrated US Secretary of Information Awareness John Poindexter. (Read more...)
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September 19, 2002
Blood Money? I Don't Think So
by Matthew Graybosch
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A businessman named Edward Fine survived the destruction of the World Trade Center by Muslim fanatics, despite being trapped on the 79th Floor of the north tower. A photographer from Agence France-Presse captured him on film, his suit covered in dust, in a photo that made the cover of Fortune. In the aftermath, he spoke freely of his experiences, but since then he's returned to his life as a businessman. (Read more...)
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September 16, 2002
The Good Life
The Self-Educated Soul
by Matthew Graybosch
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Labor Day has just passed here in the United States. Among other things, this means that children across the nation are returning to school for another year of "education". It is another year wasted; the schools attempt to accomplish the impossible by force-feeding knowledge to children unwilling to think while denying knowledge to children to whom thought is as natural and life-giving a process as breathing. (Read more...)
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August 21, 2002
Sense of Life
Weaving the World's Dreams
by Matthew Graybosch
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The world needs a hero. Not a hero to save the world from itself, but one who can inspire man to rise up, take responsibility for his fate, and create his own salvation. (Read more...)
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July 15, 2002
One Nation Above God
by Matthew Graybosch
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"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..." (Read more...)
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June 18, 2002
The Good Life
Have Mind, Will Travel
by Matthew Graybosch
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Regardless of the connotation irrational people place upon the word, there can be honor in being a mercenary if one deals honestly with an employer and gives the employer his money's worth by working to the best of one's ability. (Read more...)
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