
Rebirth of Reason

Diana Marriott

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The evolution of rheumatoid arthritis is very variable from person to person. In the majority of cases, the disease sets in gradually, by outbreaks over several weeks or months. Symptoms can also occur suddenly. The outbreaks of the disease are interspersed with periods of improvement more or less long, ranging from a few weeks to a few years.

In 10 to 15% of people with rheumatoid arthritis for less than 3 to 6 months, the disease goes away on its own, permanently or, at least, for a very prolonged period (several months or years). However, despite this apparent healing, a new outbreak may occur.

As a general rule, the disease tends to worsen and affect more and more joints. Some forms of arthritis are very "aggressive" because they also affect organs like the heart, lungs, vessels or kidneys and can be life-threatening. Others can cause very rapid joint destruction, especially in the first two years (about 10% to 20% of polyarthritis). Conversely, there are "benign" forms that cause little pain and no joint deformity, even after several years. If they are not treated, however, it is considered that more than half of those affected will have a significant functional disability after 10 years. This often requires the cessation of professional activities.

Diagnostic It is important to get an early diagnosis of the disease to be able to benefit quickly from an effective treatment. Current treatments can block the progression of the disease, thus avoiding handicaps.

There is no specific sign to say with certainty that it is rheumatoid arthritis. The symptoms described by the sick person must be taken into account, in particular, the presence of several joint swellings, pain, and their location, as well as fatigue. There are also exams that go through a health scan that can give clues about the risk of arthritis and indicate inflammation:

elevation of the sedimentation rate, increased C-reactive protein), increased autoantibodies (rheumatoid factors or anti-citrullinated protein antibodies The presence of rheumatoid factor in a person's blood does not mean that they necessarily have rheumatoid arthritis. This antibody is present in some healthy people and is also found in other diseases.

In the face of a suspected rheumatoid arthritis, the medical assessment also includes X-rays of the hands, feet and other inflammatory joints to see typical signs from the beginning of the disease. Joint ultrasound or joint MRI can also be requested by the doctor.

You can check supplements like turmeric for pain, as this would help inflammation of joints.

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