
Rebirth of Reason

Bea Clark

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tips to enhance personal developmentBea works as a medical volunteer for five years now. She was sent to Africa to help the people of Nairobi and Malawi. She admits it that being in this field is not easy, in fact it was difficult for her especially when she was just starting out. She struggled and nearly gave up but she felt this is her mission in life and she intends to finish what she had started. What keeps her from giving up her goals are the motivational and inspirational books as well as blogs she frequently reads. One of these blogs she wanted to share to others is www.ismylife.org.

Ismylife started in 2009 and still continues to inspire its readers up to the present. The blogs theme is inspiration for living and personal development. It compiles lyrics, songs, videos, books and motivational stories and articles for its readers. Articles intends to provide advice about how to be better person, tips to enhance personal development, how to be successful, how to bounce back after a failure and a guide throughout one’s personal development journey. Know what compelled Bea into this blog - see their official website.

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