
Rebirth of Reason

Tim Visser

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Number of Posts: 70
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Num Gallery items: 2
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Tim lives in London, UK, where he works in the global treasury of a large pharmaceutical company. He co-ordinates the monthly SOLO-UK meetings.

He doesn't have any spare time but does engage in a range of activities outside of work. These include: fencing, sailing, cooking, playing piano, singing, cycling, Toastmasters, creative writing, and slowly collecting bits of paper (to make his parents proud). Unsurprisingly, he does none of these particulary well. Surprisingly, at the advancing age of 33 he still manages the energy to attempt them anyway. This he puts down to an incurable optimism he caught on leaving University.

A quiet chap, he feels particularly odd talking about himself in the 3rd person.

Recent Gallery Items

(Movies) Girl with a Pearl Earring
(News) Launch of SOLO-UK


General Forum - Is circumcising an infant an initiation of force? - 61
General Forum - Is circumcising an infant an initiation of force? - 58
General Forum - Is circumcising an infant an initiation of force? - 52
Article Discussions - Wagner - My First Time - 2
Article Discussions - Wagner - My First Time - 1
News Discussions - Silly Rabbit, NZ Dix are for Chicks - 3
Activism - Life - 4
SOLO Announcements - Last Orders, Folks! - 13
Poll Discussions - Intending SOLO Con 4 Attendance - 16
Poll Discussions - Intending SOLO Con 4 Attendance - 8
News Discussions - Ban on Child Smacking - 42
News Discussions - Ban on Child Smacking - 21
Article Discussions - A Is A - 19
Article Discussions - A Is A - 15
Poetry Discussions - Awake - 1
Objectipedia - Greenspan, Alan - 2
Article Discussions - Experiencing Objectivism through Microsoft Outlook - 3
Poll Discussions - Matching Up - 2
Movies - True Lies - 6
Movies - True Lies - 4

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