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Raw Video: See Mitt Romney
Raw Video: See Mitt Romney's full Al Smith dinner speech

I wish there was a split-screen! Comedy can be so illuminating. So many very, very important issues were brought right into the spotlight here. Reflecting now, it's cool that we've had these presidential "Al Smith" (charity fund-raising) dinners since at least 1960. I wonder if you can find at least most of them archived somewhere! That'd be REALLY... (See the video)

(Added by Ed Thompson on 10/20, 9:18am)

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Atlas Shrugged Part II Official Trailer
Atlas Shrugged Part II Official Trailer

Looks like different actors than Part 1. Peter Reidy found this (post), I just put it here as a headline. (See the video)

(Added by Dean Michael Gores on 9/05, 8:13pm)

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Gary Johnson
Gary Johnson's Speech at PAUL Fest

What are your thoughts on Gary Johnson? (See the video)

(Added by Dean Michael Gores on 8/26, 7:00am)

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Michelle Jenneke 100m hurdles Barcelona
Michelle Jenneke 100m hurdles Barcelona

QED: The importance of a positive attitude and a good warm-up... (See the video)

(Added by Mike Erickson on 7/21, 12:19pm)

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Marco Rubio and Immigration
Marco Rubio and Immigration

If I didn't know better, I'd think Rubio was paying very close attention to what the certain scholars in Objectivism have to say about this issue (Ed H!)  (See the video)

(Added by Teresa Summerlee Isanhart on 6/22, 4:26pm)

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Q&A to "What
Q&A to "What's Really Wrong with Entitlements"

The Q&A and the talk were recorded on two separate videos. The Q&A is about 45 minutes. (See the video)

(Added by William Dwyer on 6/07, 1:11pm)

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What's Really Wrong with Entitlements?

A talk by Don Watkins, a fellow of the Ayn Rand Institute, on entitlements and why they're not needed. He discusses the history of capitalism from the industrial revolution to 1935 when social security was first enacted, and shows how, without these entitlements, people were able to survive quite well -- that they weren't "starving in the streets"... (See the video)

(Added by William Dwyer on 6/07, 12:58pm)

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Great quote from Bill W.: ... (See the video)

(Added by Ed Thompson on 6/06, 7:37pm)

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Custom Namiki Falcon Resin Fountain Pen HD
Custom Namiki Falcon Resin Fountain Pen HD

You'll like it if you watch it to the end. (See the video)

(Added by Sam Erica on 6/05, 4:35pm)

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There's a Communist Living in the White House

Saturday Night Live's Victoria Jackson sings "There's a Communist Living in the White House." Come on, we wouldn't elect a Communist as president, would we? Well, would we . . .? Let's see, his mentor. Frank Marshall Davis, was a Communist. His Father, Barack Obama, Sr., was a Communist. His mother, Ann Dunham, was a Communist. Hi... (See the video)

(Added by William Dwyer on 5/31, 3:24pm)

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