
Rebirth of Reason

Ayn Rand Sightings Sorted by Date

Sanctions: 6Sanctions: 6
Yaron Brook on PJTV Every Week
Posted by Paul E. Richards on 6/26, 2:05pm
Did someone already mention Pajamas Media?  Everyone over there seems to be a fan of Ayn Rand's work, especially their chief correspondent, Bill Whittle.  Allen Barton whose show "Front Page with Allen Barton" now has Yaron Brook on every show as a regular. ...(Read more...)
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Sanctions: 12Sanctions: 12
Sanctions: 12
Glenn Beck Features Ayn Rand
Posted by Sam Erica on 6/08, 3:08pm
Today Glenn Beck did a piece on Hayek and the Road to Serfdom but did some off-the-cuff favorable comments on Ayn Rand and Atlas Shrugged. He is featuring Rand, Orwell and Hayek and will shortly concentrate on Rand. ...(Read more...)
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Sanctions: 22Sanctions: 22
Sanctions: 22
"Pretty soon Atlas is going to shrug"
Posted by Steve Wolfer on 4/15, 6:09pm
Heard this on Fox News from former Senator Fred Thompson when referring to the consequences of ever-increasing taxes :-)(Read more...)
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Posted by Sam Erica on 3/02, 9:35pm
When reading the New Yorker of Nov. 9, 2009 in my doctor's office I came across this article. As one would expect, it is scornful and denigrating but I present it here for completness. ...(Read more...)
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Heard Stossel discussing Rand tonight at 8pm EST
Posted by Jay Abbott on 1/08, 7:52am
Heard he will be discussing Rand and Atlas Shrugged on his show tonight. No idea who guests (if any) will be. jt (Read more...)
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Sanctions: 3Sanctions: 3
From Hedy Lamarr to Ayn Rand
Posted by Merlin Jetton on 12/21, 5:37am
Yesterday I heard that a famous and intelligent actress (not a current one) was an inventor and even had a patent. The speaker couldn't remember the name. I did a search on the Internet and found it was Hedy Lamarr. The patent was for an impressive engineering achievement. It is a fascinating story and you can read abo...(Read more...)
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Sanctions: 26Sanctions: 26
Sanctions: 26
Dennis Miller's Most Fascinating Person
Posted by Sam Erica on 12/10, 2:54pm
Go to "Playlist"/"Miller Time"/"Miller Time 12/9" at about 4 min. 50 sec. ...(Read more...)
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Sanctions: 23
Co-Creator of "Spiderman" Rallies For Objectivist Principles In Comic Book Industry
Posted by Anthony Mario DeGuerre on 11/22, 2:13pm
Ditko's follow up article can be found here: http://bighollywood.breitbart.com/blash/2009/04/06/steve-ditkos-toyland/ (Read more...)
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Sanctions: 26
Jennifer Burns Interview on The Daily Show
Posted by Teresa Summerlee Isanhart on 10/16, 11:03pm
This aired last night.  Burns comes in at about 11:51 minutes, and she does a great job against Stewart's predictable jabs and objections.   (Read more...)
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Sanctions: 35Sanctions: 35
Sanctions: 35Sanctions: 35
Ludwig von Mises Letter to Rand on Atlas Shrugged
Posted by William Dwyer on 7/13, 12:54pm
An interesting letter by Mises congratulating Rand on Atlas Shrugged. The letter was written in 1958. Note that he addresses her as Mrs. Ayn Rand. :-)(Read more...)
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