
Rebirth of Reason

uestion, The
A comicbook superhero created by Objectivist Steve Ditko during his time at the now defunct Charlton Comics company. The Question started life as a guest character in Ditko's Blue Beetle comic, but gradually came to prominence in his own right. The Question is a secret identity used by news reporter Vic Sage, who dedicates his career to uncovering corruption. When he encounters stories that he is prevented from chasing up in the usual way, he dons a special mask which conceals all features of his face (effectively making him appear "faceless") and continues his investigations in the face of often life-threatening danger - clearly exemplifying Objectivist virtues of dedication and commitment to truth and justice.

The Charleton characters were acquired by DC in the late 1980s, and The Question has subsequently interacted with other DC Comics characters, recently becoming a regular in the Justice League Unlimited animation show, and memorably appearing alongside Batman and other DC characters in Frank Miller's Dark Knight Strikes Again graphic novel, during which The Question actually says that Ayn Rand "didn't go far enough"!

Added by Matthew Humphreys on 6/02, 5:40pm

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