The longest running animated show in television history, The Simpsons, featured a Rand reference in "A Streetcar Named Marge." As William Irwin and J. R. Lombardo tell us in The Simpsons and Philosophy:
[I]n "A Streetcar Named Marge," Maggie is placed in the "Ayn Rand School for Tots" where the proprietor, Mr. Sinclair, reads The Fountainhead Diet. To understand why pacifiers are taken away from Maggie and the other children one has to catch the allusion to the radical libertarian philosophy of Ayn Rand. Recognizing and understanding this allusion yields much more pleasure than would a straightforward explanation that Maggie has been placed in a daycare facility in which tots are trained to fend for themselves, not to depend on others, not even to depend on their pacifiers.
Added by sciabarra on 7/09/2004, 11:14am
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