Happy Pi Day Posted by Merlin Jetton on 3/14, 6:23pm
I almost forgot. Happy Pi Day to all. The date 3/14/16 is the value of pi to 5 significant digits. It won't happen again in your life.
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Celebrate Human Achievement Hour By Edward Hudgins March 18, 2016 -- If you want to celebrate human progress, you can light up the world, symbolically and literally, at Human Achievement Hour. On Saturday, March 19 between 8:30 and 9:30pm, turn on all your lights and post photos of your enlightened act!
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Extremely intelligent people become less happy when they spend more time with their friends. ... More intelligent people "are less likely to spend so much time socializing because they are focused on some other longer term objective," she said. In other words, work is so important to them that they don't have time to...(Read more...)
The article is written by David Potts. Ayn Rand gets quite a bit of attention. The link is to the entire article, which appears in parts on Irfan Khawaja's website Policy of Truth. Reader comments appear with the parts. Part #1, #2, #3.(Read more...)