
Rebirth of Reason

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Sanctions: 6Sanctions: 6
Meet the Cry-Bully: a hideous hybrid of victim and victor
Posted by Luke Setzer on 11/20, 6:06am
This is the age of the Cry-Bully, a hideous hybrid of victim and victor, weeper and walloper. ...(Read more...)
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"My All American" (movie review)
Posted by Ed Hudgins on 11/27, 3:50pm
"My All American" (movie review)By Edward Hudgins ...(Read more...)
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Chinese executives keep going missing
Posted by Peter Reidy on 11/27, 9:34pm
This would make a good story if anybody would believe it.(Read more...)
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Sanctions: 6Sanctions: 6
CRISPR gene-editing tool has scientists thrilled — but nervous
Posted by Luke Setzer on 12/01, 5:31am
When the scientists are worried, the rest of us should pay attention. And at this moment, they are worried.  That's because researchers all over the world have started experimenting with a powerful new tool that can alter the DNA of every organism on the planet, including humans, with unprecedented ease and precision. ...(Read more...)
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Sanctions: 12Sanctions: 12
Sanctions: 12
The Facts That Neither Side Wants To Admit About Gun Control
Posted by Luke Setzer on 12/03, 2:59pm
A church was shot up by a lunatic. The US government never lets a tragedy or crisis pass without attempting to find a new way to restrict the American people. So, we can expect a renewed push for gun control. There is a lot of propaganda about gun control. So much so that the truth has been lost.(Read more...)
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Sanctions: 18Sanctions: 18
Sanctions: 18
Will Banning Genetic Engineering Kill You?
Posted by Ed Hudgins on 12/04, 8:09am
Will Banning Genetic Engineering Kill You? ...(Read more...)
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Let Syrian Refugees in—All of Them
Posted by Luke Setzer on 12/05, 7:10pm
I filed this article under "Horror" because frankly it scares me.  Cato has thoughtful writers but I question the wisdom of granting asylum within the United States to adherents of a murderous, mind-control political ideology like Islam that merely masquerades as a religion.  How does this differ from granting asylum t...(Read more...)
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Sanctions: 6Sanctions: 6
An Interview of Sam Harris by Salon Magazine
Posted by William Dwyer on 12/10, 11:48am
An interesting interview of Sam Harris by Salon. He has some strong disagreements with the magazine's editorial policy, in response to which they proved him right by editing out a portion of his remarks after agreeing that they wouldn't do so. ...(Read more...)
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A surprising number of Americans endorse violence against the government. Here’s why.
Posted by Michael E. Marotta on 12/16, 3:03am
"Although most people opposed violence, a significant minority (ranging from 5-14 percent) agreed with each violent option, and 10-18 percent expressed indifference about violence in politics. This implies that millions of ordinary Americans endorse the general idea of violence in politics."Interestingly, these violent...(Read more...)
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Star Wars: The Force Awakens (movie review)
Posted by Ed Hudgins on 12/23, 9:52am
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (movie review)by Edward Hudgins ...(Read more...)
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