This article offered a refreshing perspective distinguished from the usual hype surrounding the Iraq war. Fareed Zakaria, widely respected for his scholarly research, support of freedom through constitutional republics and well-written books such as The Future of Freedom, openly supports the effort of nation-building ...(Read more...)
The Assault Weapon Ban of 1994 is no more - it has died of natural causes, courtesy the sunset clause built into it. Details about the ban, which effectively banned weapons that look scary to hoplophobes, can be found on the site Specifically, a rifle is considered an "assault weapon" if it can...(Read more...)
RANDY BARNETT, noted libertarian author, wrote: "It appears that there is an assumption on the part of many libertarian intellectuals that libertarian principles entail a very specific version of "noninterventionism" in foreign policy. "I believe that this is a category mistake, and that non...(Read more...)
At last, some good news for Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry! A new poll, using a huge sample of 34,330 people, shows Kerry is favored by 26 percentage points over the incumbent president, George W. Bush. The survey, which has Kerry leading, 46 percent to 20 percent, marks an...(Read more...)
SOLO adds Games and Poetry sections Posted by Joseph Rowlands on 9/10/2004, 5:31pm
Well, actually the poetry section is from the old SOLOHQ site, and never got properly ported. It's there now. The game section has our first SOLO game. Definitely check it out. Help Lindsay save his glass of wine! (Read more...)
Islamo-fascist "Libertarian" Party Posted by Lindsay Perigo on 9/10/2004, 12:09am
Here's something exposing the filthy Saddamite evil that is currently the U.S. Libertarian Party. As is said on this site: 'The Libertarian Party might once have had some appealing ideas about shrinking government--and for all we know, it still does. But in the middle of a war, the party is indulging in lurid fa...(Read more...)
While I don't intend to spend time fighting a presidential election that Kerry has already thrown, the coming election will also decide - especially at the Senate level - whether Bush will be able to pack the Supreme Court with theocratic stooges, and eventually end constitutional government in the United States, as o...(Read more...)