
Rebirth of Reason

Secret Laws for American Citizens
Posted by Duncan Bayne on 9/07/2004, 4:29pm
The U.S. Department of Justice has asked an appellate court to keep its arguments secret for a case in which privacy advocate John Gilmore is challenging federal requirements to show identification before boarding an airplane.


"We're dealing with the government's review of a secret law that now they want a secret judicial review for," one of Gilmore's attorneys, James Harrison, said in a phone interview Sunday. "This administration's use of a secret law is more dangerous to the security of the nation than any external threat."
To summarise - the Government passes a secret law, which is then challenged - and now they're seeking to have that challenge made secret. Secret laws, secret courts - is this really the way the U.S.A. is supposed to run, and is this really the best Government you can elect?
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