
Rebirth of Reason

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Announcing Solo Psychology
Posted by Michael Stuart Kelly on 9/30, 7:43am
A new club has been added to Solo yesterday, Solo Psychology. This announcement is a call for interested Soloists to join up. All you have to do is go to your Preferences page, scroll to Group Membership Options and click on Psychology.

As the new leader of this sub-forum, I hope to make this a useful place to hash out ideas on psychology in general, addiction, psycho-epistemology, mental disorders like autism, Nathaniel Branden's self-esteem work, pop therapy culture, even the psychological nature of things like religious conversion. I also intend to give a nutshell view of the essentials of main schools of thought and therapy systems from an Objectivist viewpoint.

I am not a trained psychologist, but I have a great interest in this field, especially the interaction between the subconscious and the conscious minds and how this impacts on ethics and other areas of philosophy. The research and reading, writing, and interaction with posters over the course of time not only promises to be exciting, it will be an education.

I admit that I have my biases. However, space will be allowed for views that conflict with my own. Just be careful who you talk to, just plain "Michael" or "Michael Psychology Leader."

I'm starting to put the thing together now and make good use of Joe's technical instructions and help, so there are details that will be worked out over the next few days. For now you can join up and maybe we can get a thread or two rolling.

I hope to see you there.

Michael Stuart Kelly
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