
Rebirth of Reason

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Earn College Credit for Studying the Works of Ayn Rand
Posted by Luke Setzer on 9/07, 9:36am
An undergraduate course that uses Ayn Rand’s The Virtue of Selfishness and Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal as the required reading material is now available to enroll in at National University of San Diego.  This course is ECO 430 – Economics & Philosophy.  This course is scheduled to run for the first time in the fall of 2005 online.  The online class can be taken from anywhere in the world, all one needs is access to the internet.  The course is offered through National’s School of Business and Management.

This is a chance to earn college credit while learning about the philosophic foundations of a capitalist society.  There are no prerequisites for this course.  To take it, you just need to apply to National University and enroll in the course.

Please note that this course was organized independently of the Objectivist Academic Center and the Ayn Rand Institute and that neither the OAC nor ARI necessarily endorses this course. Neither the OAC nor ARI has any affiliation with National University.

A limited number of scholarships of $800 each are available to cover some of the cost of taking the course.  To apply for a scholarship, just send an official academic transcript of your most recent class work and a 500-750 word statement describing why you deserve one of the scholarships to
            Professor Brian Simpson
            National University
            11255 N. Torrey Pines Rd.
            La Jolla, CA 92037

Send your application materials by September 20, 2005.  The course starts on September 26th.
Here is a description of the course:
Students will learn about the relationship between philosophy and economics.  They will study the philosophic foundations of free market economics, as well as other economic ideas.  They will learn about the link between ethics and economics, as well as about the important function of businesses in the economy.  Students will study topics such as the Objectivist ethics, altruism, individualism, racism, the virtue of integrity, why businessmen should be honest, the nature of the antitrust laws, the gold standard, the nature of government and rights, government financing in a free society, among other topics.

This course has been created by Dr. Brian Simpson.  Dr. Simpson is an assistant professor in the School of Business and Management at National University.  He has been studying Objectivism for fourteen years.

National University is the second largest private university in California and is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges.

For more information about National University, go to National’s website at http://www.nu.edu/.  Students can apply to National University from its website.  Simply follow the links to the online application.  Students can register for the course by calling 1-800-NAT-UNIV and asking for an admissions advisor.  Just tell the advisor you want to register for ECO 430 - Economics & Philosophy.  If you have any questions, email Dr. Simpson at bsimpson@nu.edu, or call him at 858-642-8431 or through the NU operator at 1-800-NAT-UNIV.
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