
Rebirth of Reason

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Germany is heading back to Socialism
Posted by Max on 7/20, 9:39am
We have all thought to be in the arms of a liberal social-market (as founded by Ludwig Erhard, FDP) and at least relatively on the road to capitalism. But since the introduction of the generation-contract and the state retirement program that expanded the welfare-state on almost every level of former individual responsibility.

Now, Germany has finally seen the political shift that was inherent in the polls for years, the creation of a new Left-wing party that leans more to socialism than social-democracy. One might think that they are just some weirdos trying to get a few notrious extremist voters, but the polls indicate something entirely more serious.
Unlike the NPD, the New Left (an alliance of the WASG and the PDS (former SED)) has already acquired a serious stand, because of their strong non-mainstreamness and polerizing program.
There strategy is state-control over everything and a socialist economy to thwart unemployment and social coldness (whatever that is). The New Left uses old arguments to counter the accomplishments of the HARTZ IV Program whose goal was to eliminate many unnecessary state-welfare-programs.

Especially in the former DDR (Eastern Germany), this new party has already shaken the regular poll-results by beating the SPD hands down and even challenging the leading CDU in control over several federal states.
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