
Rebirth of Reason

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Miscellaneous Good News: A Sequel
Posted by Lindsay Perigo on 8/14/2004, 10:27pm
I couldn't be more pleased to announce the first appointments to SOLO's staff as per my 'Miscellaneous Good News' post here just eleven days ago. Barbara Branden & James Kilbourne will become SOLO's "Writers-In-Residence." This means they'll be writing & posting articles regularly & exclusively for SOLO, maintaining a conspicuous profile generally & keeping SOLOists as abreast as they can, trade secrets permitting, of a *very* exciting project they're working on jointly. Barbara, of course, needs no introduction; James' sense-of-life credentials have shone through in the articles he's already posted here on Mario Lanza & Ronald Reagan.

Naturally I hope to be announcing other new appointments as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, Joe & Luther have given the go-ahead to SOLO-DC, coordinated by Julia Duncan Brent. The American capital will never be the same again! Anyone wishing to sign up, just click on SOLO-DC under "Local SOLO Clubs" further down this page.

As the young folk would say, "SOLO rocks!"

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