
Rebirth of Reason

The Rational Argumentator Opens Online Store, Invites Contributors
Posted by G. Stolyarov II on 8/10/2004, 11:06am

As promised, I hereby announce the expansion of the endeavor that, for almost two years, has been The Rational Argumentator, into the commercial realm.

The Rational Argumentator is an Internet publication, founded in August of 2002, that has existed non-commercially to provide its readers with quality articles, fictional works, paintings, music, and opportunities for debate to promote the Western principles of Reason, Rights, and Progress, and work for a New Renaissance within our time. While its non-commercial endeavors shall only expand in the future, TRA’s Online Store now also offers materials, such as books and commercial-quality musical compositions, of a level always consistent with its high standards. Here you will be able to explore the principles guiding the work of The Rational Argumentator’s contributors in even greater depth, variety, and intricacy. Each one of these new accomplishments of the rational mind and individualist spirit is designed to inspire noble thoughts, profound deliberations, and esthetic pleasure.

TRA presently offers a Books section, selling works by authors such as Reginald Firehammer, Fred Seddon, and myself, a Music section, featuring the compositions of myself and Christopher Schlegel, and a Kits section, which allows customers to purchase vast amounts of products at reduced combination prices. Hopefully, TRA’s product list shall expand substantially in the future, both through my own creative efforts and through the self-interested help of any willing rational contributors. TRA’s Online Store is prepared to include any rational creator’s work on its list of products at absolutely no cost or requirement to share profits! To learn how you can have your work incorporated into the Store (and even receive advice regarding free publication of any not yet commercially available creations), please visit TRA’s Contributors page.  

It is my ambition to bridge as many of the little islands of rationality available in the world as possible, in order to bring about the intellectual value trading and exposure that is necessary for the emergence of a New Renaissance.

I am
G. Stolyarov II
The Rational Argumentator
Proprietor, The Rational Argumentator Online Store
Author, Eden against the Colossus

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