
Rebirth of Reason

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David Kelley tribute to "Atlas" in today's WSJ
Posted by Robert Bidinotto on 10/10, 7:39am
Today, on the 50th anniversary of the publication of Atlas Shrugged, philosopher David Kelley, founder of The Atlas Society, has published a tribute to Ayn Rand's masterwork titled "Capitalist Heroes" in today's Wall Street Journal. (Online access requires subscription.)

This is the latest in a campaign of national events and media activity by The Atlas Society (TAS) to bring attention to Ayn Rand and her great novel on the 50th anniversary of its publication. Our other activities have included our gala 50th anniversary celebration in Washington, D.C., on October 6; the special October Atlas tribute issue of The New Individualist; and a number of other media appearances and public talks.

The daytime sessions (four hours) of TAS's Washington gala are scheduled for broadcast on C-SPAN 2's "Book TV" on Saturday, October 13, starting at noon Eastern time. Check your local listings for exact time.

--Robert Bidinotto, Editor-in-Chief
The New Individualist

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