
Rebirth of Reason

JPL Employees File Suit to End Background Investigations
Posted by Luke Setzer on 9/01, 12:31pm
From the article:

Plaintiffs challenge Bush's decision to require that all JPL employees submit to a "National Agency Check with Inquiries" and sign a broad written waiver, permitting investigators to obtain records from their past employment files, and to question their friends and associates about their emotional health, financial integrity, and general conduct, including whether they've ever had sex and, if so, what type.
NASA has implemented this intrusive program as part of a 2004 Executive Order (Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12 (HSPD-12)) issued by President Bush, which requires that all federal agencies and facilities institute an identification badge. The plaintiffs are not employed by the Federal Government, but still have been informed that if they do not comply with the background investigation process by September 28, 2007, they will be deemed to have voluntarily terminated their employment with Caltech as of October 27, 2007.
In their lawsuit, plaintiffs seek a preliminary injunction against implementation of these new background investigation requirements. Plaintiffs will file the formal papers in support of the preliminary injunction on August 30, 2007.
"This is another egregious example of the Bush Administration's assault on the Constitution. Our clients are exemplary employees who have spent their work lives bettering this Country. This attack on their right to privacy will not be tolerated," said Dan Stormer of Hadsell & Stormer. "This unlawful requirement allows unknown government officials to ask all manner of questions about people's personal lives, including their sex lives and emotional state. It is exceptionally broad and completely unnecessary," said Virginia Keeny, a partner at Hadsell & Stormer.
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