
Rebirth of Reason

Minneapolis bridge collapses, injuries feared
Posted by Ed Thompson on 8/01, 6:07pm
Important notes:

-The bridge fell 64 feet, part into the Mississippi, and part onto a train (on the north side)

-Over 30 cars were involved -- with an onsite fireman reporting that over 50 cars were involved and, at this moment (2 hours after the bridge collapsed), rescue workers are still finding cars under the water

-There are cars that fell onto other cars, and cars that went, head-first, into the river, 64 feet below

-Nearby Hospitals have categorized it as a Code: Orange disaster (calling in ALL of their off-duty trauma personnel)

-This freeway bridge (over the Mississippi river) was built in 1967 -- WITHOUT pier supports!

-Apparently, a 2006 study reported the need to "monitor fatigue cracking" in the supporting deck truss which did exist

-Other bridges around this one DO HAVE pier supports (pillars that go down into the river to support the bridge)

-Some speculation is that this bridge didn't have pier supports because of environmentalists (pier supports, which go down into the river, would "disturb" the river.

[someone who was only a mile away when this happened]
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