
Rebirth of Reason

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Patricia Neal, Alive & Well & Living on the Upper East Side
Posted by Ted Keer on 11/11, 10:34pm

A friend of mine recently had the pleasure to run into Patricia Neal who is still living on the Upper East Side. It was late at night, and he was reluctant to approach her, but could not resist asking if she were indeed "The Patricia Neal." Given his age, she was surprised that he knew her. He said that "The Fountainhead" was one of his favorite movies, and that he had enjoyed her in "The Day the Earth Stood Still." She smiled and showed him a necklace that she was wearing that had been given her on the set of the Fountainhead. They spoke briefly, and she seemed to be very much more animated after they spoke. Searching the web, I see that www.patneal.org is a functioning concern. Follow the preceding link briefly, it is very interesting. I told my friend it was good that I had not been there, because I would have never let her leave.

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