
Rebirth of Reason

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The New Individualist - Summer 2006 Issue
Posted by Michael Stuart Kelly on 9/10, 5:47am
The New Individualist - Summer 2006 Issue

I just received the Summer 2006 issue of The New Individualist and once again I have nothing but praise. These guys are really doing it right. They are making an Objectivist magazine that weds philosophy to current affairs in a manner that is neither pedantic nor preaching. Frankly, it is damn interesting and the visual is great.

This issue was edited by Ed Hudgins while Robert Bidinotto devoted his efforts to a couple of future issues to get the magazine back on schedule. From what I see, there are two crack editors on board.

The feature articles:
  • Edward L. Hudgins, "The Golden Door: Immigration, Liberty, and the American Character" (discussion of how to reconcile the legacy of a nation of immigrants founded on the principles of individualism with the present border crisis)
  • Robert Bidinotto, "Europe’s Last Dictator: TNI’s Exclusive Interview with Jaroslav Romanchuk " (Washington DC interview with the young top official in a leading opposition party in Balarus who is also an Objectivist)
  • Anthony Mirvish, review of Think!: Why Crucial Decisions Can’t be Made in the Blink of an Eye by Michael L. LeGault
  • Robert Jones, “Another Lion in Winter” (film review of The Word’s Fastest Indian) and “United, They Fought Back” (film review of United 93)
  • Edward L. Hudgins, "Immigration, Globalization and the Principles That Informs Them" (editorial charmingly called “Soliloquy” in the magazine)
Here I go again for another delightful read. See ya’.


(Note: I have not been asked to post this announcement, nor any other I have made for The New Individualist. I do so of my own free initiative because I like what I see and I believe in it.)
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