
Rebirth of Reason

Ford Hall Forum flyer for sale, signed by Ayn Rand
Posted by Rodney Rawlings on 2/13, 10:28am
This flyer (I have deliberately blurred the boxed portion of the center panel) presents the program for the Ford Hall Forum's November 1970 ("63rd season") talks. It is signed by Ayn Rand.

The Ford Hall Forum holds free lectures, open to the public, on social/political issues. Ayn Rand spoke there almost every year from the early 1960s until her death. On this occasion, her topic was "The Anti-Industrial Revolution." To attend this talk, I drove down to Boston with a group of friends, staying with Robert Bidinotto.

This document lists and describes each of the speakers for November 1970, five in all. Inside the flyer (that is, on the side not shown), the three panels contain a form for applying for membership in the Forum, a list of dates, names, and titles for the November speakers, and one-paragraph descriptions of each speaker.

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