
Rebirth of Reason

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Dawkins goes off the deep end
Posted by Michael F Dickey on 1/03, 10:17pm

Richard Dawkins when asked what the most dangerous idea is answered that it is the concept of retribution and implicitly individual responsibility and free will.  He elaborated:


"Retribution as a moral principle is incompatible with a scientific view of human behaviour. As scientists, we believe that human brains, though they may not work in the same way as man-made computers, are as surely governed by the laws of physics. When a computer malfunctions, we do not punish it. We track down the problem and fix it, usually by replacing a damaged component, either in hardware or software." 


"But doesn't a truly scientific, mechanistic view of the nervous system make nonsense of the very idea of responsibility, whether diminished or not? Any crime, however heinous, is in principle to be blamed on antecedent conditions acting through the accused's physiology, heredity and environment"

"Why do we vent such visceral hatred on child murderers, or on thuggish vandals, when we should simply regard them as faulty units that need fixing or replacing? "

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