
Rebirth of Reason

Putting My Money Where My Mouse Is

Sanctions: 11
Sanctions: 11
Sanctions: 11
Putting My Money Where My Mouse IsHello all!

My wife and I have started using T. Harv Eker's jar system for managing our money. Part of it includes a "Give" account in which we allocate money to worthwhile charities and organizations. And quite simply, I want to put some money into RebirthofReason.com on a regular basis to further its development and enhance its potential. It may seem small, but I am, for a start, willing to put in $20 ($CDN) per month. Of course, I have some ideas and I expect this money to be allocated effectively, with the highest long term ROI, always in mind.

Am I starting something new here, or does RoR already have a contribution program?

If others are interested in doing the same, and I know quite a few of you likely are, talking with Joe Rowlands and the exec team to develop accountability measures is necessary. Perhaps then a Treasurer position is in order?

I look forward to the response to this demonstration of real support.


Added by Tyson Russell
on 4/14, 4:58pm

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