SOLO in Florida at Merritt Island Saturday, October 15, 6:00 PM
How can a person's evaluation of art reflect his betrayal of worthy moral ideals? This month shall ponder that question through discussion of Ayn Rand's essay "Art and Moral Treason" in her book The Romantic Manifesto. Learn to use this information to unify the mind, body and emotions of your Authentic Self. As usual, we will have dinner at Applebee's following the discussion.
When: Saturday, October 15, 2005 at 6:00 PM Where: Barnes and Noble Booksellers, 780 E Merritt Island Cswy, Merritt Island, FL 32952, (321) 453-8202
Shared Inquiry Questions for "Art and Moral Treason" in The Romantic Manifesto
Interpretive Questions
- What does the author mean by "moral treason"?
- How is art a source of a "moral sense of life"?
- Distinguish between cognitive and normative abstractions.
- Distinguish between suppression and repression of values.
- What is "moral ambition" and how does it relate to art?
Evaluative Questions
- Do you agree with the author's claim that "conventional morality is not concerned with the formation of a child's character"?
- Do you agree with the author when she says, "A man's treason to his art values is not the primary cause of his neurosis (it is a contributory cause), but it becomes one of its most revealing symptoms"?
- What principles on your Belief Window did this essay undermine or reinforce?