| This album is by far Type O Negative’s best. While some reviewers and fans claimed that it was also their “sell-out” album, due to both the shorter song lengths (in comparison to earlier albums) and the cutesy intro and “goodbye” tracks, this album is the most lyrical and displays the most appreciation of, shall we say, “the human spirit” of all of their albums.
While it may seem ridiculous to claim that any Type O Negative album shows any kind of positive spirit at all, it is definitely precisely that which makes this – in my opinion – the great album that it is. The album (which, for greater appreciation, must be listened to in its entirety at least once) focuses on the connection between man’s spirit and the physical world. It has a very “Wiccan” feel to it, and draws heavily on classical mythology (from references to Bacchus all the way to the Green Man).
It is definitely worth a listen.