Reagan, In His Own Hand by Ronald Wilson Reagan
This was an interesting read. For a number of years in the late 1970's, Reagan had a radio show where have gave what appears to be about a 5 minute speech. He wrote most of them, and this book is full of them. Each one shows the text, including edits. It has a few copies of the originals as well.
... (See the whole review) (Added by Joseph Rowlands on 6/16/2007, 5:54pm)
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The Reagan Diaries by Ronald Wilson Reagan
Ronald Reagan wrote a candid handwritten diary during his two terms in office. The diaries are, according to his editor, extraordinarily revealing and not at all self-serving. As so often in the past, those who would mock the man as shallow or un-self-critical are shown to be mistaken given this evidence in his own hand. Not the tool of the reli... (See the whole review) (Added by Ted Keer on 5/27/2007, 4:44pm)
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