The Promise of Liberty, A Non-Utopian Vision (Lexington Books, 2009) by Tibor R. Machan
This is my latest a work with the focus on the non-Utopian nature of the free society. (Added by Machan on 6/28/2009, 5:53am)
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Initiative: Human Agency and Society by Tibor R. Machan
I have just begun to read this book, spurred on by recent discussions on SOLO. In what has become his trademark, this elegant, and well argued book is a must read for anyone interested in our most distinguishing feature, FREE WILL. It is not a debate for the academics alone, but has implications for our culture, and our future. A full descr... (See the whole review) (Added by John Newnham on 12/02/2004, 7:25am)
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Classical Individualism by Tibor R. Machan
I first read this years ago while in graduate school. It was one of the few I carried around with me in my backpack. Today, Classical Individualism is one of only a handful that I re-read every now and then, to refresh my mind and spirit. I say refresh, because in an age where communitarianist and socialist denial of true human liberty and flourish... (See the whole review) (Added by John Newnham on 10/22/2004, 1:09pm)
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