
Rebirth of Reason

Favorite EditSanction this itemEden against the Colossus by G. Stolyarov II
Eden against the ColossusIn the year 2753, after unparalleled technological and economic advancement within the Intergalactic Protectorate, reaction has set in, as a group of environmentalist mystics seeks to usurp the mechanisms of government. A scientist on the Protectorate’s outskirts discovers a planet with an entirely new sentient life form, devoid of sight of the external world and revolving its language and culture around the mysterious quisly. Aurelius Meltridge, planetary biologist and intense advocate of Reason, is sent to colonize the planet, study the aliens, and resolve the enigma surrounding them. He is to face forces far larger than himself, machinating to disrupt his endeavor at home and abroad. The full nature of the enemy he is to face is far from transparent. Two visions of the world and of the future about to collide for one final, ultimate battle, and at stake are the lives and liberties of every sentient creature. Can the will of one man save the universe and the human species?

At last, I have released this novel, 446 pages in eBook form, on Lulu.com. I have rendered the prologue and first chapter available for your free preview and reading pleasure.

The Prologue: http://www.geocities.com/rationalargumentator/eac_prologue.html

Chapter I: Protector's Summons: http://www.geocities.com/rational_argumentator/eac_chapter1.html

The cost of the book is $10.00, precisely. I will not play psychological tricks on you by undercharging you by a penny, nor will you need to pay any shipping and handling fees. You can order it at http://www.lulu.com/content/63699.

I welcome your reviews and comments. Please note that this is the first edition. I have done my best to scrutinize all technical aspects of the book, but if a grammatical error has escaped my notice, I would like to learn about it. If you purchase this edition, and present any manner of feedback to my book, you will be guaranteed to receive all subsequent updated editions for free. (This is elementary to do: I only need to know your e-mail address!)

I am
G. Stolyarov II
Atlas Count 917Atlas Count 917Atlas Count 917Atlas Count 917
Added by G. Stolyarov II
on 7/17/2004, 6:05pm

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