
Rebirth of Reason

Favorite EditSanction this itemThe War Against Boys: How Misguided Feminism Is Harming Our Young Men by Christina Hoff Sommers
The War Against Boys:  How Misguided Feminism Is Harming Our Young MenDespite popular belief, American boys tag behind girls in reading and writing ability, and they are less likely to go to college. Our young men are greatly at risk, yet the best-known studies and experts insist that it's girls who are in need of our attention. The highly publicized "girl crisis" has led to many changes in American schools, politics, and parenting...but at what cost? In this provocative book, Christina Hoff Sommers argues that our society has continued to overemphasize the troubles of girls while our boys suffer from the same self-esteem and academic problems. Boys need help, but not the sort of help they've been getting.
Added by Orion Reasoner
on 6/17/2004, 12:08am

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