
Rebirth of Reason

Favorite EditSanction this itemHunker Creek's Gold by F. Gordon Robinson
Hunker CreekA group of highly trained terrorist snipers are keeping almost every US law enforcement officer busy investigating random attacks. A second arm of the terrorist group is secretly importing and warehousing enormous amounts of narcotics.
The group’s intention is to flood the US market with drugs at prices anyone can afford. Their aim is to addict as many people as possible including high ranking politicians, business people, law enforcement officers, civil servants, and military personnel. The terrorists predict that this will cause America to grind to a standstill. They plan to step up the random sniper attacks spreading terror throughout United States. And, this will be the signal for the Militant, Right Wing groups’ leaders to band together and agitate for a citizen’s revolt against their government that can no longer protect its citizens.
Mike Cranston is a trained Navy Seal sniper, and Little John knows all of the Militant, Right Wing groups’ leaders in the country. Together they plan to infiltrate the terrorist group.
During the summer, Shane Atkins operates his placer mine on Hunker Creek, and he is studying philosophy at the University of Oregon during the off season. He and his mentors are concerned that the moral culture of the United States is in a downward spiral.
Shane’s lecture series for artists, called the Philosophy of the Nature of Man, attracts the attention of the councilors at the many rehab clinics that have sprung up throughout America. The drug councilors are convinced that his compelling logic in support of a rational basis for ethics, a romantic renaissance in the arts, and man’s efficacy offers a valuable alternative to the Twelve Step program.

Added by F. Gordon Robinson
on 12/09/2007, 12:14am

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