
Rebirth of Reason

Blogs: Steve Wolfer

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The New Civil War
The New Civil War

Dan Greenfield is a brilliant writer and every now an then I'm struck almost dumb with one of his blog entries.  This one is so on target, and the danger it alerts us to is so real and so great that I feel compelled to give voice. ... (Read the entire blog entry)

(Added by Steve Wolfer on 4/05, 10:23am)

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Trump Supporters Driven by Anger towards Elitism
Trump Supporters Driven by Anger towards Elitism

There is a strange brand of political emotionalism driving the support of Donald Trump and along with many other unintended consequences, it too may be an offshoot of progressivism.

(Read the entire blog entry)

(Added by Steve Wolfer on 4/21, 8:56pm)

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The Palin Pick: The Power of "Spoiler" Votes
The Palin Pick: The Power of "Spoiler" Votes

Was Palin chosen, at least in part, to stop the voting for a spoiler? And what is the major advantage of placing what might be a spoiler vote? Dr. Lester H. Hunt's blog has a some interesting thoughts... (Read the entire blog entry)

(Added by Steve Wolfer on 9/02, 8:30pm)

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