
Rebirth of Reason

Art: Postmodern

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Oba MaoOba Mao

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(Added by Ted Keer on 11/14, 7:59am)

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207 People "Freeze" in Grand Central Station207 People "Freeze" in Grand Central Station
Improve Everywhere

It is not really "post modern" but there is no category for "performance art."  Objectivism's definition of art "selective recreation of reality" does not allow for experiment.  Of course, all of reality is reality, so even Pegasus -- nominally "unreal" must be composed of real parts put together in an unnatural (and impossible) way.  So, is a soar...
(See the whole comment)
(Added by Michael E. Marotta on 4/13, 12:59pm)

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Flatulence d’ ArtistaFlatulence d’ Artista

Learn how Postmodern Art uses cheek as its primary aesthetic value and in what way you exercise PM aesthetics in a daily if not hourly manner. http://anartistsvoice.org/fat/fat.html (cut and paste to follow link.) Michael
(Added by Newberry on 6/29, 10:47am)

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Sanctions: 4Sanctions: 4Sanction this artworkEditMark as your favorite artwork
Untitled MasterpieceUntitled Masterpiece
Congo Dungslin'ger

This dazzling painting, done by a forward-thinking, early post-modern artist of the 1950's who went simply by the name of Congo, is just one example of many purely stunning works of progressive artwork that undoubtedly inspired thousands of admirers and imitators.  Recently fetching over $26,000 (American) in a London auction, some of Congo's art w... (See the whole comment)
(Added by Jeremy on 6/20, 8:44pm)

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