
Rebirth of Reason

Art: Vermeer, Johannes

Sanctions: 6Sanctions: 6 Buy this poster at AllPosters.com Sanction this artworkEditMark as your favorite artwork
The LacemakerThe Lacemaker
Johannes Vermeer

This painting depicts a woman diligently at work on her craft. Her eyes are entirely focused on the work of her hands, ensuring precision in an age not yet automated. Her elaborate hairdo and manner of dress suggest a general orderly disposition and a desire to bring structure to her surroundings. The accurate depictions of her fingers in action as... (See the whole comment)
(Added by G. Stolyarov II on 3/13/2004, 1:28am)

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Sanctions: 3Sanctions: 3Sanction this artworkEditMark as your favorite artwork
The ConcertThe Concert
Johannes Vermeer

This musical group is performing in an atmosfere filled with good taste. A checkered tile floor, with geometric designs incorporated into it, once again manages to show Vermeer's hallmark, contrast with colors. The room itself is filled with art, from paintings on the wall to the inside cover of the piano. Other instruments are in the vicinity, ind... (See the whole comment)
(Added by G. Stolyarov II on 3/05/2004, 2:28pm)

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Sanctions: 3Sanctions: 3Sanction this artworkEditMark as your favorite artwork
The Guitar PlayerThe Guitar Player
Johannes Vermeer

The lady in this painting is not the typical modern pop-entertainer. She is delicate, elegantly dressed, and genuinely appreciative of fine music, as evidenced in her curious and almost beaming eyes. Quite fittingly, in her background is a painting of a landscape with lush growth and bright colors. Not only does it further reinforce the theme of th... (See the whole comment)
(Added by G. Stolyarov II on 3/05/2004, 2:21pm)

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Sanctions: 5Sanctions: 5 Buy this poster at AllPosters.com Sanction this artworkEditMark as your favorite artwork
View of DelftView of Delft
Johannes Vermeer

This Vermeer work is more macroscopic in scale than the majority of his paintings, yet still maintains Vermeer's mastery of depicting light and texture. One can vividly imagine oneself transported to Delft in Vermeer's day and standing upon the opposite shore of the river, looking onto the city and perceiving numerous layers of buildings and bridge... (See the whole comment)
(Added by G. Stolyarov II on 3/04/2004, 3:05pm)

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Sanctions: 5Sanctions: 5Sanction this artworkEditMark as your favorite artwork
The AstronomerThe Astronomer
Johannes Vermeer

Vermeer's Astronomer depicts a man industriously concentrating on his studies, illuminated by a dim but warm light from the window facing him. As is his distinction, Vermeer instantly facilitates a focus of attention onto the central objects of his depiction, the astronomer, his books, and his globe. ... (See the whole comment)
(Added by G. Stolyarov II on 3/03/2004, 5:44pm)

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