Mile High Skyscraper: "The Illinois"

Rebirth of Reason

Mile High Skyscraper: "The Illinois"Mile High Skyscraper: "The Illinois"
Frank Lloyd Wright

(I would like to give due credit to Mr. Philip Howison for referring me to this work in an earlier art discussion.)

This full view of an immense building dwarfs the landscape and even the metropolis surrounding it. The building's faces reflect the sunlight with a golden glow and contribute to the purposeful, upward-striving angularity of this structure.

Had Mr. Wright lived long enough to actualize this project, it would have been the world's tallest building by far. I was impressed to learn that the technology to create such structures is indeed available to us today; hopefully a new dauntlessly individualistic architect will display an ingenuity similar to Wright's and use this capacity.

I am
G. Stolyarov II

(Added by G. Stolyarov II on 4/28/2004, 12:54pm)

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