Young Builder

Rebirth of Reason

Young BuilderYoung Builder
Bryan Larsen

Bryan Larsen’s “Young Builder” is my favorite painting out of his collection thus far.  It conveys the hope for the future that I see in the child’s inquisitive nature.  The greatest potential for progress in our society is greatest in the minds of the children that we prepare for the future.  The simple nuances of this painting are seen in the reflection of the largest skyscraper behind the young builder.  It is this tower that the young builders tower is replicating.  A female subject for the young builder suggests a hope for gender neutrality in predominantly male dominated fields of architecture, engineering and construction.  The shape of the canvas is also importaint.  The canvas is wide open and very spacious.  It leaves lots of room for the young builder to grow up into an adult builder. 
(Added by Eric J. Tower on 3/11/2004, 12:54am)

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