Preliminary Sketch for Cover Art for <i>The Vision-Driven Life</i>

Rebirth of Reason

Preliminary Sketch for Cover Art for <i>The Vision-Driven Life</i>Preliminary Sketch for Cover Art for The Vision-Driven Life
Doris Walton

I am contracting a local artist to create the cover art for my book The Vision-Driven Life. This sketch represents a pencil draft to capture the essentials of the work though I expect a final painting in full color. Inspired by the classic sculpture Man Carving His Own Destiny, this work shows that both man and woman can carve their own unique lives on Earth in a sunlit, benevolent universe. The art piece symbolizes key concepts of rationality, productiveness and pride as well as psychological visibility as the subjects view the inner and outer work of each other along with their own work.

This planned painting has the tentative title SOUL: Shaping One's Unique Life.

I welcome comments during this planning phase for the "look and feel" of the book.

(Added by Luke Setzer on 9/12/2006, 10:37am)

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