Newberry's New York Loft

Rebirth of Reason

NewberryNewberry's New York Loft

Hello Soloists,
At the time of 9/11 I lived on the beautiful island of Rhodes in Greece. The Greeks were fairly shocked but there were a few mischievous comments such as a joke for a pseudo airlines: "We will fly you direct to your office." A travel agent, who had not told me that joke, asked me: "Are you, now, going to become a Greek citizen?"
"Hell NO! I am moving to New York!"
That was few years ago and now I have finally landed into the wonderful city of New York. In fact I have relocated my studio into a spacious Williamsburg loft, just 2 or 3 miles away from Manhattan, in a edgy former textile factory area now a thriving artist area . Soloists are more than welcome to make an appointment to visit and to view my art or even take a class. There is even an organic food store, that offers among other things, vegetarian burgers! That should be a perfect place for the more "limp/Californian" kind of soloists. But. But, a block away there is also an artist’s bar loaded with tattooed guzzlers that offers Brooklyn beers on draft and ½ pound 100% beef burgers, rare if you like. Perfect for Solo fraction of "bloody drunks." I don’t discriminate on either end of the spectrum as long as you live your passion and put your money where your mouth is.

Michael Newberry

(Added by Newberry on 10/27, 12:54pm)

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