
Rebirth of Reason


Don't miss more than you have to.
by Ed Thompson

There's so much beauty in life
More than one could ever actually know.
There's even some good which comes from strife
As long as it coaxes the soul to grow.

So don't wail or moan or wallow
When you pass through a difficult time.
There's a path leading out you should follow
If you made this part of your life prime.

Being human you can get lasting joy
Exuberance which only living happily brings.
Not a child's short-lived thrill as with a new toy
But the lasting elation of growing new wings.

Each day brings a new chance to seek or walk a path
Or to simply stay stuck in the thick of life's woods.
You could just give up and sit down and feel an unlived life's wrath
Or you could get yourself chasing after some of life's goods.

There'll be people, and places, and things on your way
You'll be choosing which ones you most value.
One of the best tips about this one could say
Would be: Don't miss more than you have to.

Ed Thompson
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