The Dubai Marvels "Man must choose his actions, values and goals by the standard of that which is proper to man - in order to achieve, maintain, fulfill and enjoy Perhaps I should have placed quotation marks around the word "marvels" but then, solely viewed as such, the architectural and engineering achievements being nowadays set up in Dubai, at the United Arab Emirates, are testimonies of human ingenuity and capacity. Still, they are also symbols marking the amazing depth that human immorality has now reached. Not that this statement will move any architectural office, any engineering company, any construction enterprise, any financial institution or any bank world over from withholding to take the lure of the money waved at them by Dubai's ruler. Oh, no, far from it. They will continue to happily trot to the trough that will feed them, like exultant but, lacking any morals, brainless puppies that they are, thus thoroughly proving what philosopher Ayn Rand placed on D'Anconias lips in her immortal work "Atlas Shrugged": "Money is so noble a medium that it does not compete with guns and it does not make terms with brutality. It will not permit a country to survive as half-property, half-loot… Until and unless you discover that money is the root of all good, you ask for your own destruction… Through all the centuries of stagnation and starvation, men exalted the looters, as aristocrats of the sword, as aristocrats of birth, as aristocrats of the bureau." "Men exalted the looters" is the most proper way of pointing out the relation between the Western and the Islamic world, as this is precisely what reality is showing with sheerest brutality. For it also proves that the Islamic world is fully unable to set up anything peaceful and productive by itself. It is the Western world that is setting up the marvels of Dubai, and at that with looted money, for the Arabs themselves were never able to even conceive the possibility of inventing an internal engine motor nor did they find the oil required to fuel it. They merely sat on it and were far less able to construct the means to extract it from the bowels of the earth, transport it, refine it, etc. Even Essad Bey, an Islamite, recognized this in his description of the discovery of oil in his book "Liquid Gold", written around the 30's of last century. On the other hand, by contracting high raise buildings and so forth, they evidence their admiration for human marvels but don't take the slightest move to combat the terrorists housed among themselves. Nay, they even stand apart from fighting the pirates that sequester ships that transport goods from which they themselves profit, on waters that morals would command them to defend against marauders. Destruction and killing requires no refined minds. Every Stalitler in history was able to command it, but even for this the enemies of the Western world require Western technology: Jumbo jets used as bombs and so forth… And to build a complex oil plant, a Palm Island, to raise the tallest building in the world (including the knowledge that the construction will include the implicit security that no Westerner will later on shell an aircraft into it) and even setting up an atomic power plant for people all too ready to use it to produce atom bombs with which the builders themselves can later on be bombed into smithereens, all this can only be accomplished by using Western and Western-related brains. Do I imply herewith that whoever works for his enemies, for people whose religion itself commands them to destroy the Western population, commits high treason? Not me for, in general, treason relates to the political and military area and here the existing governments themselves urge to assist those that swore the erasure of the modern world, the Western world. But when it comes to morals, well, then things look quite differently, for then it becomes glaringly evident that those who work for those that pledge the destruction of the Western world, those who support the aim of obliterating the Western world by delivering arms and the technology required to set up human marvels which those that contract them are unable to carry out by themselves, are truly proceeding on seditious grounds. For all this technology requires brains, the work of able minds helping those whose aim is precisely the destruction of the able minds of the West, which brings forth the immortal words of Thomas Jefferson, words that will continue to be valid long after the eventual destruction of the Western world and which should be inscribed in gold in every school and college, in every home of the world: "I swear… eternal hatred against the enemies of the mind." As Leonard Peikoff stated in his book "The Ominous Parallels": "Jefferson - and the other Founding Fathers - meant it. They did not confine their efforts to the battle against theocracy and monarchy; they fought it, on the same grounds, invoking the same principle of individual rights - against democracy, i.e., the system of unlimited majority rule. They recognized that the cause of freedom is not advanced by the multiplication of despots, and they did not propose to substitute the tyranny of the mob for that of a handful of autocrats… (my enhancements). (They) did not mean a collectivist organism one part of which was authorized to consume the rest. They meant a sum of individuals, each of whom - whether strong or weak, rich or poor - retains his inviolate guarantee of individual rights." It's very high time for the Western world to think about its future and what we, the inhabitants of the Western world, are doing to defend and promote it.
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