Major Announcement! : SOLOC in NY We're gonna have speeches, dinner, a party, friends, fun, and a whole lot more. Everyone is welcome to attend. We're going to plan this in a hurry, so that everyone can make plans to attend. The event will happen somewhere between the first week of August and mid-September. It'll be a weekend long. Details will be settled quickly (most by the end of this week, I hope). What I need to know from people is, how soon can we have it? And who's going to show up? I need a rough headcount in order to determine the venue, and I need to know how early we can do it without majorly inconveniencing people. Please respond to me or to this forum if you think you can make it. Suggestions for activities, locations, etc. are welcome if you do it quickly enough. I'll be giving a speech, and we might get a few other people to volunteer as well. Give me feedback in the next 24 hours, please. We're running out of time, and we're not going to mess around much. The first SOLO conference was fantastic. It's time to share the experience with a few more SOLOists. How about it, people?
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