By Myself What does the Founder & Principal do? Think of him as a sort of Prime Mover who started the thing off & then left others alone, by & large, to get on with running it. (He does, however, make ongoing contributions to the achievement of SOLO's vision, as editor of the SOLOHQ.com articles and a regular contributor of articles himself.) Think of him also as a kind of constitutional monarch, like the Queen of England, who gets wheeled out on ceremonial occasions to rubber-stamp the infallibly excellent decisions of his excellent Prime Minister (Mr Rowlands) & the PM's excellent Cabinet (the rest of the staff). In the unlikely event of the Government going awry, or mutineering, of course, the monarch would step in & assume absolute powers until order & sanity were restored. Occasionally the Founder & Principal gets uppity, & has to be locked in a closet - a famously inappropriate habitat for him. His detestation of most contemporary "music" & cultural trends generally is (he hopes) legendary, & was one of his motivations in founding SOLO. Another was to transcend the hysteria/narcolepsy, maniac/corpse (ARI/TOC) dichotomy. He had hoped to encounter, among Ayn Rand's admirers, people whose senses of life approximated reasonably to those of her heroes. Not finding many among the usual suspects, he figured he should establish his own beacon for those with "the total passion for the total height." He is proud of what SOLO has achieved. He is thrilled that in SOLOHQ, thanks to Prime Minister Rowlands & Minister Landauer, SOLO can boast the best Objectivist web site there is. He is delighted that SOLO provides a forum where Objectivists of all allegiances can engage each other, & the world, free from the "I have nothing to gain from dealing with you - begone!" nonsense that seems to be 'de rigueur' among some Objectivists. He loves & loathes ferociously, & hero-worships shamelessly. His heroes & favourites are too numerous to list, but Rand's crystalline prose, Mario Lanza's overwhelmingly passionate singing (& glorious voice) & the rapturous music of Rachmaninoff are right up there. Robert G. Ingersoll was a childhood hero, of whom he is still in awe. His fervent hope is that SOLOists will find soulmates here. His expectation is that they will find their experiences on SOLOHQ exhilarating, bruising, enlightening, infuriating, inspiring, frustrating ... and always challenging. Rational passion & passionate reason!
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