Machan's Musings - Back to the Toads? Each time I drive by the sign I am inclined to stop and ask the rangers by whose moral authority they bar us from the forest, given that it is maintained at taxpayers’ expense, as are their services. (I know, of course, they have some laws backing them, but laws, as history teaches us, can be very unjust.) Who are these people who believe so firmly that they have the moral -- and should keep the legal -- authority to bar us all from the wilds of Orange County? At one time, as I recall, it was because some specie of toad which now and then -- actually, very rarely -- crossed the dirt road up there, and this supposedly authorized those in charge to keep all human beings away. Why? So the toad didn’t have to face the hazard of a hiker’s boots or, heaven help us, a Jeep’s tires. So what? After all, these critters face hazards from other critters and from the elements all the time -- indeed, this has been their lot from time immemorial. It is how nature is -- some living things live at the expense of some others. No one seems to mind when one animal feeds off another, or off the vegetation, thereby destroying these. It is understood to be how the world works thereabouts -- so why, when people get into the picture, is it supposed to be forbidden? My suspicion is that there’s just altogether too much misanthropy afoot among people attracted to environmentalism. They don’t like, maybe even hate, human beings -- perhaps starting with themselves -- so much so that some of them are calling for humanity’s outright destruction. As David M. Graber said, in his review of Bill McKibben’s The End of Nature, "Until such time as Homo sapiens should decide to rejoin nature, some of us can only hope for the right virus to come along" (from The Los Angeles Times Book Review, October 22, 1989, p. 9). Notice how this remark presumes that people aren’t part of nature. But that is entirely off the wall. People and their developments, bridges, parking lots, museums, concert halls, SUVs, and all the rest are every bit as much part of nature as are the tunnels built by termites, dams by beavers, or nests by birds. What may be true, but entirely irrelevant, is that human beings are not normally part of the wilds, that what they bring into nature is a very creative capacity. But there is some of that within the rest of the animal world as well -- some birds, it appears now, sing just for the hell of it, not because it serves some utilitarian function. And there is word from research on great apes that they, too, develop various cultural artifacts, such as games. Now it is also true that human beings have the unique, so far unmatched capacity, to mess things up. They are, unlike other animals, not hard wired to carry on properly, on the whole. So they need to be criticized and sometimes set right, including in how they comport themselves toward the wilds. Yet, to tell just what they do wrong and how to do things right, standards are required and what environmentalists offer along these lines is mostly incoherent. They seem to want for us all to ignore the good of human beings and only concern ourselves with non-human life. Why? What could be the reason, if not a deep-seated misanthropy? As for the toad or any other critters, let them fend for themselves, just as they have done for millions of years before people showed up on earth. And we, in turn, should focus on what truly enhances our lives. If that includes caring more about other animals than we now do, so be it. But here there is at least a source of some workable standards -- our own lives and flourishing can be our priority, just as, by the way, the lives and flourishing of other animals is theirs, only in a hardwired way, not by conscious choice. What is really ironic is that in their enthusiasm for the wilds, many environmentalists betray their own human nature by turning against themselves, namely, people. Given that no other animals follow suit, they ought to revise their attitude and become more pro human.
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