Machan's Musings - A Vision, Partly Fulfilled Later, when I came to the USA, I joined the Air Force in 1958 and roomed with a black airman named Ivan, who turned out to be a really smart young man and read even more books than I did. So that pretty much did it for any temptation I might have had to join some other fellow airmen in their racism. Ever since I grew up this way I have had this deep-seated, somewhat sentimental hope that all this racial antagonism would just disappear. In grad school I even moderated a dispute between the UC Santa Barbara Black Student Union and the SDS, during the late sixties, having gotten this reputation of not sharing anyone’s prejudices too much. When I lived in Alabama for ten years I had a chance, on and off, to study local racism up close—once a hospital orderly was wheeling me to an X-ray room and made a hasty racial slur against a clerk who checked me in and when I called him on it he turned, red-faced, saying, "Oh, I am sorry, I am a racist." Wow, that was a revealing confession. A few days ago I completed a blues cruise, something I had wanted to take part in for years but only now got to do, at last, and among the many pleasures of it I had the wonderful experience of spending three days with an incredibly racially, ethnically and otherwise—for example, age-wise—mixed crowd. I have never seen black and white and men and women and kids and grown-ups and the rest have so much peaceful, rollicking fun together. There were umpteen mixed couples—African-American men with Caucasian women and vice versa, blonds with tall Indians from India, Native American women with black men, and on and on, you name it and the group included them. Dancing and jumping and swaying about, just having a grand time of it, with blues bands that had white bassists and black keyboarders and black and white male and female singers and so on and so forth. Both audience and performers showed not a moment’s notice of this cultural diversity but I, of course, whose business is to think about such stuff—maybe a bit obsessively, if you ask me—noticed only too well. And not only did I notice but I was struck how nicely it flowed, how there was nothing acrimonious, nothing suspicious, just all good will and the thrill of the music. No, I have no grand conclusions I can draw from all this—so I will not contend that we need more blues venues so we will all get along with one another or anything of that sort. It may even have been just this particular group of blues enthusiasts. I wasn’t there to do a study of it all. But I did experience a mellow joyfulness with how it all felt and frankly yearned, also, for more of such genuine, unforced harmony among human beings. It seemed just right and I wished for more of it, elsewhere. At the various universities where I have taught there has been all this fuss about diversity and, yet, most often one finds few mixed race couples, not even too many young men and women of different races or ethnic groups hanging out with each other. So it is tempting for me to think, there really is no substitute for spontaneous harmony, for bringing all these different people together not by corralling them by government edict or even university policy but, well, because it just turns out that way sometimes. Maybe if it just turned out that way more often and there were no threats and fines and rebukes waiting to induce us to get along, we might actually get along a lot more. But maybe I am just hoping against hope. In any case, I am sure glad I took part in an event that exhibited and illustrated that there really is no inherent basis for a racial divide, none at all, not as people are in their natural, unconstrained ways.
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