Mideast Mess Makes Me Mad by Marty Lewinter
I blame the Palestinians for electing Hamas, a terrorist group. This is part of an ongoing war of survival for Israel. If the Palestinians lay down their guns, there will be peace. If the Israelis lay down theirs, every Israeli will be killed by Arab terrorists and their sympathizers.
Israel voluntarily left Sinai, Gaza, and much of the West bank. Israel lived up to the Camp David "Land for Peace" accord. In stark contrast, much of the Muslim world would be pleased if Israel were wiped of the map, and actively or tacitly supports the actions of terrorists and is willing to finance them. Many are ignorant of the history of the Middle East. Arab terror started over 100 years ago. During WWII, the Mufti of Jerusalem helped Adolf Hitler organize Muslim units for his army. In 1947-48, the Jews accepted the UN partition plan even though it gave them a small allotment of land which was militarily indefensible. Seven Arab nations launched a genocidal war with the murderous cry "death to the Jews." Arab countries encouraged Palestinians to flee during this genocidal war, thereby creating the "refugee problem" which Arab regimes perpetuated by their refusal to resettle the Palestinians. Israel wants peace. Too many (but far from all) Muslims advocate the destruction of that small state full of the promise of shared technology, universities, hospitals, and increased prosperity for the entire Middle East.
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