Escape From Academia From the robed, dark demons who clutch my soul. Apollo with your golden-ratio stick, Play well your noble guardian role. Rescue me in your Olympic castle From the claws of ghouls with academic tassel. Hold me strong, handsome gods of reason. Scorch with your flame the zombies of the caves. My earthbound brothers yet suffer the treason Of the anti-life, man-hating treacherous knaves – Hideous ones entrusted with spirited boys, Slammed into cells and robbed of their joys – By chains of religion, by an altruist vision – Deceived minds crippled by youth's indecision. Strengthen me, bolster me, prepare this lad well – For the day I return to my brothers in hell, Where, armed with the wisdom and truth of the ages, I shall unlock their shackles with words from the pages Of reason, of freedom, of justice and joy That will gladden the hearts of every schoolboy.
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