A Tale of Two Political Poems -------------------------------------------------- the private good a consortium of corporate interests got together and privatized the word public, once they owned the word they replaced it in the dictionary with the word private, public schools became private schools public parks became private parks public airwaves - private airwaves, in time, the only thing left that wasn't private was one's privacy, but no one complained because it was all for the private good -(name withheld) -------------------------------------------------- I posted this response: Here's a different take on the freedom and property rights of the producers of wealth -- the unsung, heroic people that sustain our lives. The altruist-collectivists concerned with the public good have given us Stalin's Russia and Hitler's Germany. I'll take capitalist businessmen over the totalitarian thugs of zwangvirtschaft and central planning any day. THE AMERICAN Deed for deed shall I return, Justice here does rule the day. Seek from me but what you earn? Shop here sir? Then you must pay. For I, like you, do dream and strive. I, too, rejoice when I sail the sea. ‘Tis not for your sake that I’m alive - Though it benefits you, I work for me. For I’ve a life as good as yours, And equal rights before the law! I am the pilgrim to these shores Who fled the slaver fascist’s jaw - The Nazi camp, the five-year plan, The “will of all,” the king’s decree. But here the chains ‘round the workingman Were removed for the first time in history. Then naught must you demand of me, For I live in the land of liberty, With property safe and rights secure These United States shall forever endure.
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