A Letter to Cassandra You once took the time to make some very kind remarks about an article I had written. The article meant a lot to me, so your remarks were more meaningful. Having clicked on your user info, I see my article is still listed as your favorite. It’s funny how a simple remark or gesture can make such an impact. You made a lasting one with me. I am the type of person who greatly values kind people, and tries not to forget an act of kindness. Because of that, I was dismayed when I learned that you had left the SOLO website. Yes, I do notice that you still post from time to time, but not as before. The missing element is the 'kindness' and 'gentleness' that I refuse to believe was a facade. I believe the facade is the angry lady posting in defense of a person who is not taken seriously by the majority at SOLO. Please don't get defensive as you read my post. Mine is not a denunciation of Regi, and I don't really know the man. In fact, I was criticized for applauding some aspects of what he wrote. And to tell you the truth, I believe that I am not on the top of the list as Linz's favorite people. But Cass, I can tell you this: the quality of the people assembled at this website is staggering by Objectivist standards. So it doesn't matter to me that Linz may or may not care for me. And I never lose sight of the fact that it was Linz who found a way to gather this group. So he may or may not be in the opinion of some, an SOB, but in the greater scheme of things - what does it matter? The politics of website forums is similar to that of a dysfunctional family. That’s just the way it is. The safety of the screen and wire allows people to take liberties that they would not dare take face-to-face. If this is not the case at Regi’s website, it is only because his website family is so miniscule. Trust me, if 40 people joined tomorrow, and posted regularly - well, come on Cass you know that the spats and foolishness would begin right away. So comparing the websites is apples and oranges. I have been to a hundred philosophy websites. And this one, warts and all, is by far the most benevolent I have ever been to. The arguments here do not compare to the others. And Linz is a Saint compared to most founders of largely-populated discussion forums. I have said things to Linz in private mail, that had I been him, I would have thrown my ass out in 2 seconds. This is not to say that I was completely right or wrong in what I said to him, but it is to say that things are not always as simple as they appear. What does make this website unique is the level of discourse that takes place when people are not arguing but discussing ideas. There are some great minds here that you would be hard-pressed to find gathered in a single place anywhere else on the net. If Regi is not posting here it is only because he chooses not to. I sincerely believe that his moderated status would have soon been dropped by Linz. Cass, Regi is not that important to warrant the attention that he claims he got. No single person at SOLO is that important. It was just a typical website forum spat that went on, that's all it was. And those spats will be replayed a thousands times with other names ... perhaps mine will be next! LOL. The tremendous intensity of the spats, and the level of vicious discourse are due to the safety of the screen, and the level of intelligence of those arguing. No one can be as mean and articulately vicious as the highly-educated man. So here at SOLO, it won't be a simple "fuck you" followed by a "fuck you too." The people here are smart enough to know how to 'press the right buttons.' But, the emotions here are no different from anywhere else. One has to weigh the pros and cons. If you want safety and perfect civility, then I guess you will have to stay at a very small forum with only semi-like-minded people. But Cass, that sterile atmosphere of 2 or 3 people mirroring each other is not where one grows, intellectually or spiritually. Everything has a price; there are no free rides. The price you pay for participating in a larger society of intelligent and passionate people is the intensity and passion of their flaws. In exchange, they learn to tolerate your flaws, and mine. Sincerely, George W. Cordero
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