
Rebirth of Reason

War for Men's Minds

Greetings to the FBI
by Adam Buker

Greetings to all of you at the FBI who have been following my internet browsing. I am not going to reveal how I got information of the fact that you are unconstitutionaly violating my right to privacy except to say that someone that I know who is involved in the armed services informed me that I was on the FBI watch list due to my involvement with this site. He has no interest in Objectivism and did not even know of this site's existence till viewing the watch list that was distributed to his unit. Otherwise, he would not have known or cared one iota about it.

I will say that you better put your money where your mouth is. If you think I am doing something that is violation of the law, then use your guns and your battering rams and take me to jail.

I am a private citizen of the United States of America and I know my rights.

Do not pretend that your actions are in the interest of the US. Spying on citizens, such as myself, engaged in philosophical discourse will not help protect Americans from Islamo-Fascist terroism. Do not pretend that you are merely following orders. You have the ability to know right from wrong and I suggest that you excercise that ability.

I have no criminal record. I pay my taxes. I hold down an honest job and go to school besides. I have nothing to hide. I think you do. If you are going to ignore the Constitution of this great nation, and act against citizens of the United States, have the decency to go ahead do this upfront and boldly like any normal totalitarian state. Otherwise , LEAVE ME AND OTHER LAW-ABIDING CITIZENS ALONE!

Adam Thayer Buker
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